The Pagan Federation International
The Pagan Federation was founded in 1971 to provide information on Paganism and to counter misconceptions about the religion. The Pagan Federation works for the rights of Pagans to worship freely and without censure. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
'Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.'
The Pagan Federation from its beginning campaigned to have Paganism recognized as a valid spiritual path and for the rights of Pagans to hold and practice their beliefs openly without fear of retribution or condemnation from those who viewed these beliefs as being evil or otherwise. The Pagan Federation has been successful in this area. Paganism is now officially recognized. The Pagan Federation continues to work both alone and with other Pagan Organizations in promoting awareness of Paganism to individual Government departments, the general public and individual enquirers. To this end The Pagan Federation publishes various information packs about Paganism in general and the different Pagan paths that come under the general heading of Paganism. The Pagan Federation supports any Pagan, irrespective of whether they are a member or not, in times of need. This may include providing factual information in cases such as child custody disputes, supporting those suffering from harassment for being a Pagan and even providing expert witnesses or legal advice if necessary. The Pagan Federation continues to campaign or support campaigns in many areas that are of concern or interest to the majority of Pagans such as environmental issues and human rights.
The Pagan Federation publishes a quarterly journal, Pagan Dawn, (formerly The Wiccan, founded in 1968), and other publications. It arranges members-only and public events, and maintains personal contact by letter with individual members and with the wider Pagan community.
Membership of the Pagan Federation International New Zealand is open to any Pagan aged 16 or over who supports our Aims and Objectives. Followers of all Pagan Paths are welcome.
What do you get if you join the PFI?
By joining the PFI you join a nationwide network of Pagans, so that you can make contact with other Pagans through your local officer, through attending conferences, moots and other events.
You can also receive the PF magazine "Pagan Dawn" and the Members' News supplement, as well as discounts on PFI products and conference tickets.
The Pagan Federation International is a voluntary organization and cannot exist without the support of our members and donations.